Monday, February 6, 2012


I'm a daydreamer. I could probably sit in the same spot for hours with my eyes closed and my head laid back reminiscing about the "good times". It's my belief that eventually, once we're done with a certain time in our lives, that that period of time becomes... independent. It's its own character with a certain smell, feel and look. It's so far away and so untouchable, but it's so distinct you think- or wish-you can just touch it... Like I remember what swings felt like when I was 3 years old. I would describe the scene as slow... sunny... milky... and melancholy.  While swinging, I had lost my shoe in the grass a few feet away and was giggling about it so loudly I was echoing! I could see my mom inside the house, making sure I wasn't getting into trouble... which of course I was-- I had lost my new white shoe! But no mind, I was out there all by myself, just swinging my cares away. I had a million different things happening in my mind-- a million different stories I was creating. The mind of a child is filled with imagination... an imagination I know but I can't seem to grasp it in it's tangible form, I only just remember it. If I could smell that same air, see that scene and feel that same careless emotion then I would indeed have just met my picturesque 3-yr-old life! And I would absorb it so quickly and intensely because I think we all want something back from our past- a piece of it given back to us again, or a piece taken away. But when times are hard, we want to meet our careless 3-yr-old selves again and play in the grass with only simple worries like missing our shoe or just wearing shoes in general. And when times are great we store those memories and lock them away so that when we need them, we can simply lay our heads back, close our eyes and re-acquaint ourselves with the many different characters of life we create. So that is my introduction to me... and the characters of life I have locked away and only get out when I need one. Those sweet moments in life when you know that God is good and his hand is in each one of those memories.

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